What is Climate-conscious Coaching and Facilitation?
Well it definitely doesn’t involve asking you about your recycling habits, unless that’s what you want! As with all coaching and...
Coaching and Eco-Anxiety
I'm not sure that eco-anxiety is the correct term for the despair, grief and even panic that can grip us when we contemplate the future...
Sitting still to move forward
For some of the people I coach the pandemic has been disastrous - they’ve lost loved ones, they’ve lost their jobs, their homes. For...
How coaching can help you earn LESS
Unsurprisingly, this marketing slogan hasn't taken off... But one of my targets for 2020 is to earn LESS money than I did last year. This...

Coaching Walks
It's taken some trials (and some errors, of course) and I'm now ready to offer coaching walks. Here, writer Rebecca Ann Smith explains...

How nature can be the best therapy of all...
It's taken me a while to properly notice how much better being in nature can make me feel. A lot of my childhood memories are about being...
The Freelancer's Survival Kit
This month it's been three years since I left my job to go freelance - a decision that took almost as long to make. It was a decision...

Can we experience more by having less?
While Marie Kondo's book told us HOW to declutter, Stuffocation makes the urgent case for WHY. Starting with alarming accounts of how...

Writing for Wellbeing
Last year, when clearing out my loft (more about decluttering here), I came across a stash of my teenage diaries. From the age of nine,...
Inner divas, power poses and other great confidence boosters
The more people I coach, the more fascinated I become with confidence, and the part it plays in how we relate to ourselves and others....